Our Firm

The advisors at PWFG provide investment management, financial and estate planning services through LPL Financial to successful individuals and their families.

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional services and a customized approach. We partner with clients in an effort to identify, implement and monitor a highly personalized portfolio designed to pursue their financial objectives and long-term goals.

Our investment philosophy emphasizes consistent, above average, long term performance while seeking to minimize risk. We focus on individual clients, ensuring that their specific objectives and risk profiles are accommodated when tailoring their portfolios.

We believe in:

  • Pursuing maximum investment returns for a given investment objective.
  • Preservation of Capital;
  • A consistent, long term investment approach;
  • A disciplined investment approach;
  • Portfolios tailored to individual clients;
  • Tax efficiency in investing

Our typical clients are small business owners, entrepreneurs and c-level executives. While our firm has no formal account minimums, we find that our services are best suited for individuals and families with at least $500,000 of investable assets or a net worth of at least $3 million.

To discuss the services of PWFG or to see if our services may benefit you and your family, please contact Thomas J. Dyer, CPFA at 978-264-1906 or tdyer@pwfgllc.com.

Licensed in MA, CT, NH, DE, RI, NJ, DC, MD, NY, FL, PA, VA, SC, MO, TX, ID, MN, CO

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